Consider the impact of bushwalking and camping on the environment, and its resources. View the checklist, and read about the impact of campfires.

Bushwalking Leadership SA training checklist

Consideration Checklist

  1. List environmental consideration when camping?
  2. How deep do you bury human wastes?
  3. Why do you bury waste that deep?
  4. What alternative may be used for human waste in especially sensitive areas?
  5. How far from the nearest water source should you go to the toilet?
  6. What should you do with human waste in:
    • The snow?
    • A gorge only accessible by canoe?
    • An arid area?
    • A heavily used area?
    • Forest?
  7. What action could you follow to dispose of used toilet paper in the above areas?
  8. How can you minimise rubbish on a trip? What rubbish should you:
    • Bury?
    • Burn?
    • Carry out?
  9. What consideration should you follow in using water from, streams, rivers, dams etc?
  10. What action should you take when walking as group:
    • On tracks?
    • Across untracked areas?
    • On tracks with puddles and mud?
  11. What lessons are appropriate to SA
  12. How could you encourage a group under your control to follow recommended guidelines?
  13. How could you raise the issue of disposal of tampons? What additional measures should we follow to preserve our environment?
The Issue of Campfires and Ecology

The Issue of Campfires and Ecology

Campfires Banned - This could be a future headline

Campfires Banned – This could be a future headline

The Firewood Supply is Dwindling

It may seem strange to say that we are running out of firewood in our natural areas, but this is actually happening. Around many popular picnic and camping spots. there simply isn’t any firewood left. For years people have been collecting dead wood for fires, using up the local supply. Some people have made the problem worse by breaking off live branches. This destroys the trees. The shelter they offer and the close bond with nature that bush creates around a camping site.

And the Problem is Getting Worse

The firewood problem is getting worse because more and more people are enjoying the outdoors. The impact of these increased numbers on the fragile environments around well-used natural areas is becoming very serious. Too much fallen timber is being burnt.

This means that we are going to have to change our habits to keep our special outdoor places nice to visit.

Your Help is Needed

Instead of relying on firewood for cooking, be self-sufficient. Bring your own gas cooking equipment with you. This is for quicker and cleaner than on open fire.

Don’t light a fire just for “atmosphere”.

If you feel that you must have a fire, please:

  • Use on existing fire place
  • Keep it as small as you possibly can Use only dead wood
  • Bring some firewood from home (but still have a small fire)
  • Invite others to shore your fire
  • Carefully put it out after meals and before you leave
  • Think about the years it will take to replace the wood you burn today.

Why do healthy plants and animals need fallen wood?

Why do healthy plants and animals need fallen wood