Level 2 – Bushwalking Leadership Certificate Training Program (BLC)
Upon successful completion of Level 1 – Bushwalking Assistant Leadership Certificate (BALC), a Bushwalking Leadership SA Advisor is appointed, to guide and support you through the rest of your training.
- Maximum time for completion is 2 years.
- Training in basic aspects of leadership and bushwalking skills, aiming to equip candidates to competently lead groups of lesser experienced walkers on walks of up to 3 days mainly utilizing tracks and trails within a half-day walk of assistance in case of emergency.
Application for Course Entry
Candidates need to be 18 years of age, have completed 5 bushwalking trips in the past 3 years totalling 12 full days of pack-carrying bushwalking. This experience is to include at least one 3 day walk and one walk in which the candidate has been involved in planning and route finding.
- Attendance at a Basic Skills Bushwalking Course, delivered by an accredited Bushwalking Leader, OR
- Upon application for recognition of Basic Skills Bushwalking and on the recommendation of an Advisor of the Board.
The candidate must hold a current Senior First Aid Certificate, or equivalent, at the time of attending the Bushwalking Assistant Leadership Certificate Course and for the full duration of the Leadership program.
Introductory Training Course
Bushwalking Assistant Leadership Certificate Course consists of a series of overnight workshops, and includes instruction in group management, navigation, search and rescue, leadership and planning. A 3 day walk is included in this period.
Status on completion of this training is recognised to an Assistant Leader level, enabling the candidate to assist accredited Bushwalking Leaders.
Interim Training
- Walk Planning Project: Copies to be submitted to the Advisor and Development Officer within three months of the Bushwalking Assistant Leadership Course.
- Bushwalking Experience: Fourteen days bushwalking experience to include at least:
- One 2 day walk as a participant.
- One 3 day walk as a participant.
- Three 2 day walks as a leader.
- One 3 day walk as a leader.
- All walks to be logged as a leader MUST be preceded by contact between the candidate and Advisor.
It is a requirement that the log of walks listed above must include at least:
- 1 trip in cold, wet conditions
- 1 trip with an adult walking group
- 1 trip with an adolescent group
- 1 trip in the Grampians or an equivalent venue
- 1 trip in the Flinders Ranges North of Wilmington.
An Adviser Accompanied Walk (Recommended)
Walk Planning Project: Copies to be submitted to Adviser within 3 months of the Assistant Leader Training Course.
Written Assessment Papers
Written assessment papers consist of risk management, navigation, incident response and route planning.
Please make an independent arrangement with your adviser to complete this or contact the office to arrange for another adviser to supervise your exam
Technical Skills Assessment Weekend: Residential
The Skills Assessment is run over 2 days in an area with challenging topography. The assessment is focussed on navigation skills, camp-craft, incident response and general bushwalking knowledge.
A Group Management Assessment Walk (Minimum duration 2 days)
A Group Assessment Walk (minimum duration 2 days). This is to include preparation and evaluation of the group in terms of: fitness, experience and knowledge; documentation of pre-trip planning; the leading of an appropriate walk; and a self-evaluation of the walk.
The Group Management assessment is the final phase of level 2. Trainees MUST complete all other requirements before they can apply for this assessment. Applications will need to be sent to the Assessment Coordinator along with all relevant documentation (application form, fully filled out Record Book, copy of current First Aid Certificate, full walk details and payment).
- An Advisor Accompanied Walk. It is recommended that Advisors accompany candidates on at least one of their leadership walks.
The Board considers that people awarded the Bushwalking Leadership Certificate are capable of leading dependent groups on bushwalks satisfying the following criteria:
- Length of trip not to exceed 3 days
- Walks to be undertaken mainly on defined tracks or walking trails, and
- parties to be within a half-day walk of outside help or assistance in case of emergencies