Course Summary
Stage 1: – Pre-course learning quizzes
• To participate in the practical training, you will need to have completed the quiz sections of each unit in the pre-course learning to ensure you have the underlying knowledge to participate in the practical training.
• To learn the theory behind what we deliver, you will need to have started reading and completed the quiz sections of each unit in to ensure you have the underlying knowledge to participate in the practical training.
• You will need to have at least provide first aid units before completing this level
• If you have already completed some of these units previously it would have been determined in your interview that you are eligible for a credit transfer possibly.
• For highly experienced outdoor leaders, RPL will appear on your training plan. Your experience would have been recognised already in your interview.
• If you have already completed the units previously. You would have on the training plan a credit transfer which would have been determined in your interview.
• The theory will give you a common knowledge base. This will be linked to certificate 3 core units and of course the tracked bushwalking, lead and navigate units.
• You will need to have at least provide first aid units before completing this level
Stage 2: Practical Training Block 1
• This block is 3 days based on the specific program. (see the course letter)
• The days will be filled with direct training in the learning criteria
• You will be taken through the steps for conducting walking programs.
• Taught and given practical navigation sessions based on the theory.
• There will be 1 day at a base camp shelter.
• Then packing and walking for a 1-night walking expedition
Stage 2: Practical Training Block 2
• This block will be a full 3 day bushwalk expedition
• You will be leading the group a different time
• There will be basic emergency procedures
• You can demonstrate your personal skills through this weekend
Stage 3: Personal Skills Development and Logging work experience
• You will need to develop your skills to riding, fixing and controlling a bike in blue trails and some black trails for your final assessment.
• Complete the riding session package and log for the indicated number of days in your training plan
• Complete a number of hours in bike maintenance
Stage 4: 1-2 Day Practical Assessment day based on completion level
• Practical assessment will require that you conduct the session
• Teaching, group management, demonstrate your personal skill level
• The observation record in the learning platform