Day Walk Assistant Leadership Certificate Course

Please contact us if you are interested in attending this course.

The workshops and training weekend provide education about:

  • Best planning practice for your trip away
  • Safe camping practices
  • Basic map reading and navigation
  • What to do in particular emergencies
  • Menu planning when you don’t have a fridge
  • Learn the pros and cons of different equipment

Course intended for:

People who want to learn about camping and bushwalking on a personal level.

    perfect for:

  • schools students
  • youth groups that use the Duke of Ed
  • parents with active families
  • people who want to camp with friends
  • people who work in the outdoors


An interest in being in nature and therefore walking.


During the camping weekend you will receive training in each topic. In the same weekend, practical assessment will also occur in order to receive their participation certificate.

Training Pathway

Once you have completed this training course the next progression could be a Bushwalking Leadership certificate – Bushwalking Leadership Program, If you would like to lead dependent groups on day or multiple day walking trips these are the courses for you.