We offer a pathway of courses designed to equip people as bushwalking leaders. We offer courses for assistant leaders, full leaders, day walk leaders, and multi-day walk leaders.

Bushwalking Basic Skills

Learn the basic skills in bushwalking, designed for beginners.

Ideal for beginners who wants to learn the basic skills of bushwalking.

Day Walk Leadership Program

Become a Walk Leader.  The full Day Walk Leadership Program trains outdoor enthusiasts with developing experience and skills in bushwalking to a standard appropriate to lead groups of less experienced adults or dependent groups on single day bushwalking trips.

Ideal for teachers, youth workers, therapists, coaches, personal trainers and interested bushwalkers looking to take people into the bush.

Multi-Day Walk Courses

Bushwalking Leadership Certificate Program

Become a Walk Leader with this course.

These courses differ from the Day Walk Leadership Certificate Course as they equip you in leading multi-day walks, as a leader or an assistant. These courses train outdoor enthusiasts with experience and skills in bushwalking to a standard appropriate to lead groups of less experienced adults or dependent groups (including students) on bushwalking trips.

Ideal for leaders from youth groups, bushwalking clubs, the educational sector, government agencies and commercial operators.